Does anyone have actual sex anymore?
Because everyone around me today has been having Cyber/Phone Sex. Sms and Video footage included. Is this what the Christians do?
Have i been missing out???
Should i pop my Cyber Cherry?
Research follows.
I asked a fellow friend of mine if she would fill out a quick survey to help me decide if i should pop.
You know the saying... "once you pop, you can't stop!!"
Note* As she was filling out these questions she was in the middle of actual phone sex. Being sent ranchy msgs from a large football player like
"Im so hard right now id like love to be sliding in and out of you. Did that make you Wet???"
(Then followed by pictures of his erect penis)
How old are you?
Male/ female?
How long have you been sexually active for?
9 years
How old were you when you ventured into cyber/phone sex?
about 18 from memory
Do you prefer it over actual sex?
sometimes, it depends who its with
Do you think its naughty?
Yes I do, I think thats the appeal
whats the naughtiest Cyber/phone you have experience?
(It took her 25 mins to Reply to this question... & i think we all know why!)
I can't really recall a specific experience. Though I guess the naughtiest would be when we have used webcams as well as talking to eachother. It adds a whole other dynamic to the experience.
Its just took you 25 minites to answer that last question, What were you doing?
haha, sprung..I was actually on the phone "finishing off"
How was it?
yeh it was pretty good, though it was our first time having phone sex, it gets better the more times you do it as you start to get more comfortable with eachother and say absolutley anything!
Has anyone ever done anything that has shocked you?
Nope, it takes a lot to shock me though!
Anything that might shock me?
hahaha, I think it all would shock you!
OOo your a naughty little thing arnt you..! How long did this last session go for? How did it start?
It actually started an hour and a half ago, its started just with a few friendly texts that got sexual.. And then the picture messages started and then the videos! once we actually got on the phone to each other it was only about 5 minutes of action, all be it we had been warming up for the past hour and 25 minutes!! hahaha
Do you recommend it?
Of course! Its so much fun! its a great way to spice things up a bit with an exisiting partner and helps you to grow closer. Though its also good for just a bit of fun with a friend! haha, Its great when you're home alone and in the mood to be able to give a friend a call for a bit of help